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BEETroot -
Empowering Anonymity

Let BEETroot Make Your Exchanges Simple and Efficient
As easy as 1 2 3


The best Available CEX and DEX Liquidity

So that the best rates and best transaction limits are available for you BEETroot present you with two sources LP pool source providers. Take your pick and choose your pair before inputting the amount to exchange and the address to which you will be receiving the funds.

  • Select weapon 

Simple and Efficient

Once the funds hit the exchange's provided address the exchange will then begin at either he fixed or variable rate according to your previous selection. Variable rates are normally better but fixed rates provide protection against market fluctuations. 


  • Fire weapon 

Always Anonymous

Once the exchange completes the funds are send directly and quickly to your recipient address and the process is complete. Welcome to simple, efficient and anonymous crypto.


  • Hit target
key features

Passion Fueled Purposeful Crypto


BEETroot's purpose is to enable crypto anonymity and privacy simply and efficiently.​Beetroot believes $XMR is the true implementation of the original Satoshi vision and is the real future of crypto. It's use case is self explanatory, nobody wants every single transaction exposed. Monero is the only solution.​#


BEETroot also has a soft spot for Mr Richard Heart and PulseChain. Richard has tremendous knowledge which he passes on in a way that all can understand, well most can.


​BEETroot's token exists on PulseChain.


BEETroot is non-profit and fees are used to buy back & burn.

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